The Cuyahoga Valley Art Center Displays their Membership Exhibition, A Juried Exhibition in Seven Categories
The Cuyahoga Valley Art Center is proud to host its annual Membership Exhibition April 26th– June 2, 2022. Holding a yearly member exhibition has been a tradition at CVAC for over 35 years.
This juried entry exhibition features awards in seven categories: Watercolor Media, Water Based Media, Oil Based Media, Dry Media, Mixed Media, 3-Dimensional Media & Photographic Media – with over $1,000 in prizes. The juror, Bruce Stebner, will select which images will hang in the exhibition and a ‘Best-of’ winner for each category. A people’s choice selection process, starting April 26th, will dictate a people’s choice winner for each category. Voting is free and encouraged to visitors.
“We were excited to host the annual member exhibition following the All City Art Walk” states Executive Director, Danielle Dieterich, “It is wonderful to celebrate so many artists within our community this spring.”
The Best of Category winners shall receive a cash prize, to be celebrated and recognized at the Artist Reception on May 20th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. Patrons will have the opportunity to mingle with the artists, enjoy refreshments and hors d’oeuvres and purchase art during this free reception.
Born with a passion for art, Bruce Stebner came to painting through a serendipitous turn of events after a three-decade run fulfilling his childhood dream to be a studio potter. Stebner’s art is a personal visual record of a lifetime of romancing the rustic. His art seeks to find meaning and beauty in life’s daily moments and simple pleasures. It’s no wonder that after being drawn to Impressionist painters like Morisot, he found his real place in the painters’ world with the French Intimist and Symbolist painters of the twentieth century. The doors, chairs, and stairs of his prized interior paintings become more and more ethereal symbols of Life’s opportunities, challenges, and repose.
Stebner’s work has been featured in Country Living, Country Home, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Akron Beacon Journal, and the Chicago Tribune. His pottery has been shown and sold at galleries across the United States, including the Mansfield Art Museum, Akron Art Museum, and the Museum of American Folk Art, New York. Although his paintings have been handled by galleries around the country and shown in regional art exhibits, Bruce finds it most rewarding when he can personally facilitate people locally to collect his art.
An avid traveler, Stebner has taught and conducted Artistic Adventures about Europe, focusing on the French countryside. He had his first international one-man-show in 2015 in the southwest of France. At home, Bruce paints and teaches from his studio in Akron’s Highland Square and serves as president of the Akron Society of Artists.
TOM BALDWIN Akron, OH Mom’s Garden 3-Dimensional Media NFS |
BETTY A. SISKA Broadview Heights, OH Slipping Away Dry Media $375 |
TOM MAYER Mogadore, OH Painted Lady Mixed-Media $400 |
JUDY ADAMS JONES Richfield, OH Sun Lovin’ Oil-Based Media $325 |
JACQUI SUKIE Akron, OH The Fiddler Photographic Media $50 |
ROBERT KNAPP Uniontown, OH Water Tower Water-Based Media NFS |
KATHY SOBLESKIE Tallmadge, OH Summer Promise Watercolor Media NFS |
LEO MILLER Ravenna, OH Viracocha 3-D Media $325 |
“This floral sculpture exhibits an interesting composition with dancing lines, as well as fine craftsmanship. It views well from all sides. The nod to function by incorporating four vases is a whimsical bonus: no flower could compete with the scale of these created by the artist!” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
NINA REDDING Ravenna, OH Majestic Eagle 3-D Media NFS |
“This sculpture not only captured the eagle’s form effectively but also added a creative dimension in its use of stylized pattern on the surface of the sculpture, bringing a personal interpretation of the bird. A grand sense of mood is captured on a relatively small, scaled piece.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
BOB POZARSKI Akron, OH Trial & Error 3-D Media $5,000 |
“The large roundels in this glass piece offer a place to rest the eyes in the exciting explosion of tightly spaced small shapes and colors that flow from the upper right corner of the composition. Not only does the artist employ repetition of shapes to create unity, but he also has infused the piece with an interesting color transition from blues to greens across the field of the piece. The geometric forms are visual invitations to the viewer to fill in the details with his/her own life experiences.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
APRIL CAMERON Akron, OH Destination Unknown #2 Dry Media NFS |
“This sensitively drawn composition has a lot to offer the viewer. Variety in patterns, textures, and shapes are orchestrated into a cohesive composition through the use of values, line, and edges in this beautiful, rhythmic rendering.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
MARY ANN MOSYJOWSKI Akron, OH Apparition Dry Media $250 |
“Abstraction of nature is beautifully synthesized in this work. The horizontal elements are disrupted by diagonal and vertical ones, directing the viewer’s eye through the variations of color, pattern, and shapes which keep us engaged in discovering more and more of its visual treasures.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
BETTY A. SISKA Broadview Heights, OH Slipping Away Dry Media $375 |
“This landscape treats the viewer to a mysterious moment in time through its subtle use of color, value and edges. All the usual suspects of any landscape are skillfully employed into an image that evokes an unusual, sublime visual experience.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
LINDA LYONS Medina, Oh Synthesis Mixed-Media $425 |
“This abstract work balances line, shape, and color into a pleasing visual composition. Spheres seem to be forming before our eyes from the washes of color which are intersected by horizontal and diagonal lines of varying thicknesses.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
TOM MAYER Mogadore, OH Painted Lady Mixed-Media $400 |
The strong asymmetrical composition of this painting becomes even more energized by the use of a complementary color scheme of pinks and greens. The artist wisely breaks the strong color with some neutral, gray shapes. The negative space of sky and tree branches in the upper left corner let the eye escape beyond the house to the firmament beyond. | ![]() |
HELEN WILSON Akron, OH Migration Diaries- Autumn Revelry Mixed-Media $600
“This piece evokes in creating a personal visual statement. Elements of prehistoric, Egyptian, and Native American elements to create a thoughtful contemporary relief. Basic linear elements are varied by texture, color, and pattern to call us to spend some time and reflect. The simple presentation is the perfect foil to the visual excitement within.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
PHYLLIS ESTIS Aurora, OH Autumn In Aurora (Ohio) Oil-Based Media $1,400 |
“The strong value patterns created by the light and dark vertical tree trunks breaking up the large background shapes build an interesting composition worth examining. A strong sense of arial perspective is achieved by the change in chroma and diffusion of details as the objects recede on the plane.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
ANN FERGUSON KAH Macedonia, OH Winter Ledges Oil-Based Media $300 |
“These rocks are beautifully painted with an interesting play of warm and cool earth colors. The three-point perspective adds further strength to the drama. The delicate, leafless sapling on the right is a clever compositional contrast to the shadow mass of the cliff on the left.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
JACK LIBERMAN Akron, OH Amish Farm Oil-Based Media $2,500 |
“This painting possesses a panoramic sense of place. The farm buildings not only anchor the scene, but also create a screen which both unite and separate the foreground and background. The furthest plane is painted in beautiful cool hues which contrast with the warm foreground and ultimately lead the viewers eye to the softly painted sky.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner |
AMANDA KIPLINGER Polk, OH Rainforest Photographic Media $200 |
“The sense of light captured in this photograph offers a rewarding visual walk through the scene from the strong shadows in the foreground through the large trees in the center plane onto those in the distance.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
JEFFREY NEWHOUSE Akron, OH Doll Face Photographic Media $125 |
“The repetition of ceramic faces in the photo offer a lighthearted sense of kitsch, leaning on the macabre. The rows of repeated faces receding out of sight, raise the question of who is really the observer and who is being observed.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
JAMES BUCKUS Stow, OH Multiplying This Neighborhood Photographic Media $165 |
“This creative photo image bears a painterly, cubist quality. The scale of the central steel fish floats through bits of identifiable urban details, leaving the viewer to decide if its a statement about a holiday parade, a metal sea, or a depiction of an other-worldly invasion. Regardless, the strong composition and juxtaposition of various scaled forms make it a winning entry.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
ROBERT KNAPP Uniontown, OH Water Tower Water-Based Media NFS |
“The disrupted realism in the painting, along with the asymmetrical composition create a strong painting with an interesting contrast of warm positive (water tower) and cool negative(sky) shapes. Running the tower off the page gives the painting the tension it needs to make a static object vibrate.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
DEE LANCASTER Sagamore Hills, OH Enjoy The Day Water-Based Media $175 |
“This small painting captures a strong essence of a place without the distraction of extraneous details. The yellow foliage on the left gets to sing, thanks to the various warm and cool greens on each side of it.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
RUSS VERNON Copley, OH Tommy Water-Based Media NFS |
“The simplicity of this portrait’s shapes and planes exude a visual punch that carry from a distance. Closer examination doesn’t disappoint. The hat frames the face, reminiscent of the Provincetown “mud head portraits” painted by Hawthorne and his students in the early twentieth century, with a contemporary twist.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
M. H. PHILLIP CHIANG Chesterland, OH Yukii Watercolor Media $300 |
“The graphic quality of this dog portrait is achieved through a complementary color scheme(yellow and purple), interesting placement, and varied mark making from broad strokes, to fine lines. The painting has both visual impact and pathos.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
TOM MAYER Mogadore, OH Lady With A Pink Hat Watercolor Media NFS |
“This figure painting is beautifully drawn and painted. The artist focuses detail on the subject and subtly washes in a background which leaves room for the viewer’s imagination to complete the scene.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
HELGA REID Medina, Oh Feeling Safe Watercolor Media $125 |
“This monochromatic painting is built on strong shapes, value changes, and composition. The repose of the rabbit is animated by its diagonal placement on the page. A sense of perspective is achieved through convincing foreshortening of the body and diminishing details as the planes recede.” – Juror, Bruce Stebner | ![]() |
TOM BALDWIN | Akron, OH | Mom’s Garden | 3-D Media | NFS |
WENDY FREEDMAN | Akron, OH | Toby And Zeb | 3-D Media | NFS |
MICHAEL HART | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | 2 Birds / No Stone | 3-D Media | NFS |
LEO MILLER | Ravenna, OH | Viracocha | 3-D Media | $325.00 |
JEFFREY NEWHOUSE | Akron, OH | White Vase | 3-D Media | $100.00 |
BOB POZARSKI | Akron, OH | Pyramidal Prism | 3-D Media | $200.00 |
BOB POZARSKI | Akron, OH | Trial & Error | 3-D Media | $5,000.00 |
NINA REDDING | Ravenna, OH | Upcycled Owl | 3-D Media | $175.00 |
NINA REDDING | Ravenna, OH | Majestic Eagle | 3-D Media | NFS |
HELEN WILSON | Akron, OH | Semi-Autobiographical Artichoke II | 3-D Media | $250.00 |
DEB ZEMANEK | Akron, OH | Prothonotary Warbler | 3-D Media | NFS |
TRISH BLACKMAN | Hudson, OH | Make It Count | Dry Media | NFS |
APRIL CAMERON | Akron, OH | Destination Unknown #2 | Dry Media | NFS |
SHARON FRANK MAZGAJ | Uniontown, OH | Green Head Vase with Peonies | Dry Media | $8,000.00 |
SHARON FRANK MAZGAJ | Uniontown, OH | Frida | Dry Media | $2,000.00 |
RUTH MATTHEWS | Wauseon, OH | Somber Sunset | Dry Media | $250.00 |
NOREEN MOLEK | Columbia Station, OH | Osprey | Dry Media | $1,000.00 |
MARY ANN MOSYJOWSKI | Akron, OH | Apparition | Dry Media | $250.00 |
CARA SIMMONS | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Charon Bouldering At Whipps Ledges, OH | Dry Media | NFS |
BETTY A. SISKA | Broadview Heights, OH | Slipping Away | Dry Media | $375.00 |
BETTY A. SISKA | Broadview Heights, OH | Looming | Dry Media | $250.00 |
WENDY FREEDMAN | Akron, OH | Nakano | Mixed-Media | $750.00 |
ZIRKA HAYES | Akron, OH | Sip & Read | Mixed-Media | $90.00 |
DIANA J HEINBUCH | Akron, OH | The Blues | Mixed-Media | $200.00 |
JACK HICKSON | Barberton, OH | Covided | Mixed-Media | $150.00 |
LINDA LYONS | Medina, Oh | Synthesis | Mixed-Media | $425.00 |
TOM MAYER | Mogadore, OH | Painted Lady | Mixed-Media | $400.00 |
CARA SIMMONS | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Pieces | Mixed-Media | NFS |
CLEO SUZANNE SKINNER | Tallmadge, OH | Just Fluffin’ | Mixed-Media | $150.00 |
HELEN WILSON | Akron, OH | Migration Diaries- Autumn Revelry | Mixed-Media | $600.00 |
JODY CROW | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Attention To Detail | Oil-Based Media | $800.00 |
PHYLLIS ESTIS | Aurora, OH | Autumn In Aurora (Ohio) | Oil-Based Media | $1,400.00 |
STEVE FOUNTAIN | Kent, OH | Self-Portrait | Oil-Based Media | NFS |
JUDY ADAMS JONES | Richfield, OH | Sun Luvin’ | Oil-Based Media | $325.00 |
ANN FERGUSON KAH | Macedonia, OH | Winter Ledges | Oil-Based Media | $300.00 |
ANN FERGUSON KAH | Macedonia, OH | The Swan | Oil-Based Media | $200.00 |
EMILY KOHMANN | Canton, OH | Erika Jayne | Oil-Based Media | $625.00 |
DAVID KRANTZ | Kent, OH | Sudden Flash | Oil-Based Media | $360.00 |
JACK LIBERMAN | Akron, OH | Amish Farm | Oil-Based Media | $2,500.00 |
JACK LIBERMAN | Akron, OH | Stan Hywet | Oil-Based Media | $1,500.00 |
RUTH MATTHEWS | Wauseon, OH | January | Oil-Based Media | $300.00 |
ROY MOWLS | Munroe Falls, OH | Bridge | Oil-Based Media | $450.00 |
MARIE STEELE | Fairlawn. OH | Indigo Lake | Oil-Based Media | NFS |
JAMES BUCKUS | Stow, OH | Green Leaf | Photographic Media | $165.00 |
JAMES BUCKUS | Stow, OH | Multiplying This Neighborhood | Photographic Media | $165.00 |
AMANDA KIPLINGER | Polk, OH | Unnamed Waterfall | Photographic Media | $250.00 |
AMANDA KIPLINGER | Polk, OH | Rainforest | Photographic Media | $200.00 |
JEFFREY NEWHOUSE | Akron, OH | Doll Face | Photographic Media | $125.00 |
JACQUI SUKIE | Akron, OH | The Fiddler | Photographic Media | $50.00 |
JACQUI SUKIE | Akron, OH | Still Life Salad | Photographic Media | $125.00 |
ANNETTE THORSON | Akron, OH | Winter Geometry | Photographic Media | $100.00 |
APRIL CAMERON | Akron, OH | Still Life With Stars | Water-Based Media | NFS |
ROBERT GOLDTHWAITE | Kent, OH | War At Sea | Water-Based Media | $200.00 |
ROBERT GOLDTHWAITE | Kent, OH | Lindsey Addario | Water-Based Media | NFS |
ROBERT KNAPP | Uniontown, OH | Winston | Water-Based Media | NFS |
ROBERT KNAPP | Uniontown, OH | Water Tower | Water-Based Media | NFS |
DEE LANCASTER | Sagamore Hills, OH | Return At Sunrise | Water-Based Media | $185.00 |
DEE LANCASTER | Sagamore Hills, OH | Enjoying The Day | Water-Based Media | $175.00 |
SUSAN MENCINI | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Winter Hike 2 | Water-Based Media | $500.00 |
NOREEN MOLEK | Columbia Station, OH | Catuc “A Lighting” | Water-Based Media | $1,000.00 |
CLEO SUZANNE SKINNER | Tallmadge, OH | Where’s Dinner Mom? | Water-Based Media | $150.00 |
RUSS VERNON | Copley, OH | Tommy | Water-Based Media | NFS |
RUSS VERNON | Copley, OH | Floral #4 | Water-Based Media | $150.00 |
KEITH WISDOM | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Essential | Water-Based Media | $800.00 |
JEANETTE BILL-COLE | Brecksville, OH | Day At Distant Cliffs | Watercolor Media | NFS |
SHARLEY CHANG | Copley, OH | Beyond The Darkness | Watercolor Media | NFS |
M. H. PHILLIP CHIANG | Chesterland, OH | Yukii | Watercolor Media | $300.00 |
DEANNA R. CLUCAS | Stow, OH | Fall Passage | Watercolor Media | $475.00 |
KATHLEEN COCKFIELD | Wadsworth, OH | Midnight At The Barn | Watercolor Media | $130.00 |
GLORIA FICKERT | Akron, OH | Queen Ann’s Lace | Watercolor Media | $100.00 |
CHARLES HARKER | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Morning Rains- Pinkney Island SC | Watercolor Media | $250.00 |
CHARLES HARKER | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Playa Lakes On The Great Plains | Watercolor Media | $100.00 |
SALLY HESTON | Broadview Heights, OH | Still Life With Bird’s Nest And Pear | Watercolor Media | $350.00 |
SALLY HESTON | Broadview Heights, OH | The Last Vine Of Summer | Watercolor Media | $350.00 |
BOB MAURER | Canton, OH | Mustill Store | Watercolor Media | $700.00 |
BOB MAURER | Canton, OH | Magnolia Mill | Watercolor Media | $700.00 |
TOM MAYER | Mogadore, OH | Lady With A Pink Hat | Watercolor Media | NFS |
HELGA REID | Medina, Oh | Feeling Safe | Watercolor Media | $125.00 |
KATHY SOBLESKIE | Tallmadge, OH | Summer Shadows | Watercolor Media | NFS |
KATHY SOBLESKIE | Tallmadge, OH | Summer Promise | Watercolor Media | NFS |
DON STRONGOLI | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Koi Harmony | Watercolor Media | $150.00 |